HomeFeaturesKalu Asks OUK To Intensify Engagement With Grassroot

Kalu Asks OUK To Intensify Engagement With Grassroot

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Senator Orji Uzor Kalu has mobilized the newly reconstituted OUK Movement leadership to intensify their political efforts, pushing the boundaries to achieve the group’s goals and aspirations.

At his picturesque Igbere retreat, Neya, Senator Kalu on Saturday inaugurated the new OUK Movement executives, tasking them to amplify their impact as he presided over the swearing-in ceremony.

Still reeling from the disappointing outcome of the 2023 elections in Abia, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu’s voice was laced with a sense of urgency as he tasked the new OUK Movement leadership to hit the ground running, mobilizing support at the grassroots to rewrite the narrative in 2027.

Senator Kalu drove home a crucial point: only those who deliver tangible results for the party at the ward level will reap additional rewards. He urged the leadership to stand firm against temptation and stay united in their pursuit of progress.

Kalu encouraged the EXCOS of Abia South and Central to draw inspiration from the exemplary grassroots engagement of their Abia-North colleagues, redoubling their efforts to build a robust, inclusive movement.

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Speaking on their request concerning the challenges faced by few local governments, the APC Senator urged them to prioritise their needs and give each other necessary support needed for growth. He assured them of total commitment and support to achieve the desired goals of the group and for the general benefit of the APC.

Hon. Ojisi Ogbaja’s words were laced with genuine gratitude as he acknowledged Senator Orji Kalu’s unwavering dedication to their shared cause. He also highlighted the group’s remarkable progress, marked by a significant influx of new faces, and unveiled bold new initiatives aimed at driving even greater success and growth.In a move to strengthen their grassroots foundation, Hon. Ogbaja announced that the state leadership has decided to broaden the ward-level leadership to 57 members, creating a more vibrant and representative team.

He said; “Put in your best because we need to win at all times . Our target was to capture the political power of all the positions in the state. We have visited your wards without your knowledge to see what you are doing.

“We have 17 Chairmen at the Local Government Area Chairmen and 3 Zonal Chairmen and five Executives at the state level. At the ward level we have 27 Executives and another 30 leaders to make it 57.

“We decided it’s better to decongest the top and populate the grassroots because that is where the Politics lies. Spreading is very important, the LGA leaders must be liberal enough to spread the offices , put yourself in the shoes of the person financing the group , every LGA will also have a file opened at the state party headquarters”. the state chairman said.

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