HomePoliticsPoliticsTensions Flare In Nnobi Community, Anambra State

Tensions Flare In Nnobi Community, Anambra State

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Nnobi Welfare Organization (NWO) President-General, Barrister Dominic Savio Okpala, offered a contrarian viewpoint, contending that the Awuda quarter, traditionally the most junior, has long been an impediment to the community’s development, hindering initiatives and stifling growth.

Okpala, in a one-on-one conversation, offered a nuanced perspective, suggesting that Awuda’s behavior is often driven by a perceived superiority, leading them to try to force their opinions and positions on others, potentially hindering the community’s ability to find common ground.

Okpala recounted to our journalist how Awuda’s true character was on full display when they dramatically stormed out of the recent Central Executive Council meeting of the Nnobi Welfare Organization (NWO) at the town hall, a move that spoke volumes about their disposition.

According to Chief Ezeobi Ajaghaku, the Palace Secretary, Igwe Nick Obi is a shining example of humility, gentle guidance, and democratic principles. He accused Ebenezi of exploiting the president general to wage a personal vendetta against the revered traditional ruler.

Chief Ezeobi Ajaghaku accused a faction from Ebenesi of masterminding Ebenezi’s decisions, effectively turning the President General into their mouthpiece. He expressed outrage over the PG’s temerity in challenging Igwe Nick Obi’s authority and that of the Awuda community meeting.

The palace secretary maintained that those beating the drums of war in the Nnobi community were the same group of coup plotters insti­gating the President-General against the entire community.

According to Okpala, the president general appeared to be unaware that the traditional ruler is a sovereign entity, with both Okpala Nnobi and the Igwe-in-council falling under its purview. This lack of understanding seemed to be at the heart of the issue.

Chief Ezeobi claimed that the President-General’s actions are driven by a desire to undermine the traditional ruler, encouraged by those spoiling for a fight. He also alleged that certain Ebenesi individuals are angling for the Igweship throne, further complicating the situation.

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The palace secretary, who ac­cused Barr. Dominic Savio Okpala (PG) of being one of the maseminds, maintained that the Ebenesi power bloc even boasted publicly that they would unseat the traditional ruler and hat they are on a mission to de­stroy His Royal Majesty Igwe Nick Obi.

But in his response, Okpala noted that the claims from the palace sec­retary were lies.

As Okpala explained, Igwe Nnobi’s affiliation with Awuda quarter means the Nnobi Welfare Organization must respect the community’s norms. Noncompliance would lead to widespread protests and unrest, spearheaded by the Awuda community, rendering the town ungovernable.

Okpala disclosed that his administration’s North Star is the Nnobi town constitution, which he pledged to defend and implement. He emphasized that his leadership has remained true to this founding document, applying its principles in a fair and impartial manner to all citizens.

According to Okpala, a dedicated committee was formed to promote peace and resolve longstanding issues within the community. One of the key challenges they tackled was the blurring of lines between traditional leadership and modern governance.

Okpala lamented that the Igwe’s overbearing interference in town union affairs has been a longstanding issue, prompting him to pen a letter to the Commissioner for Local Government, Chieftaincy, and Community Affairs in November last year. In the letter, he detailed the struggles he faced at the hands of the traditional leader.

As tensions simmered, Okpala Nnobi, the second-highest ranking traditional leader, made a surprise appeal to the town union to broker a peaceful resolution. His move followed a heated exchange of letters between the Igwe’s camp and Okpala, highlighting the depth of the crisis.

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